Qualidutos was developed to store and control construction, assembly, testing, conditioning, Quality inspection records and acceptance of onshore pipelinesand electromechanical works.

It is acceding to the standards API1104, ASME B31.11, N-464, NBR15280 and others. It works via an internet navigator dismissing any need to install other additional programs.

Qualidutos is a robust and high performance program but with an intuitive and friendly interface. With it you can:

1. Control the materials received and generate the balance of losses, leftovers and applications of materials.

2. View quick information about the status of each record issued by the enterprise.

3. Use the Welders Performance to perform monitoring, adhering to PETROBRAS standard N-2301, N-133 and N-464.

4. Minimize paper handling. All reports can be accessed electronically.

5. Control and track documentation for each of the pipes used in the enterprise.


Tela de Avanço das inspeções realizadas com um gráfico de linhas sobre Avanço das atividades

Advance of realized inspections

Automatically generated based on reports’ information.

Tela de Locaçã de Descontinuidade com gráficos Pareto de Descontinuidade e Descontinuidade por quadrante

Discontinuities Lease

Distribution of weld discontinuities per quadrant.

Tela de atividades civis mostrando como gerar unifilar de atividades civis

Civil Activities

Registers of inspection on trench opening.

Diagrama Unifilar

Single Line Diagram

Exported to Excel with 5 to 10 of measuring precision.

Quadro representando o Mapa de juntas do qualidutos

Joints Map

Quick and easy access to the information of all assembly processes. Also allows access to digitalized registers.

Tela de desempenho de soldagem com um gráfico de Índice de repareção mensal

Weld Performance

Graphic indicator about the weld process generated based on registers of non-destructive tests.


Processes Workflow

Over 50 different inspections covering receiving, personal qualification, processes, civil activities, weld, ENDs, delivering hangs, etc.


All the fields on the form are pre-registered on the database and the verifications are done during the typing.


There are over 50 indicators and reports generated automatically such as weld performance and welders, joints map, assembly hangs, physical advance, Data book consistence, Single Line Diagrams and Open Spots, etc.


All the screens are interconnected, allowing trace all the information related to any spot of the construction.


Totally compatible with electronic files such as PDF, Excel, images and videos.


All Webdutos’ softwares can be accessed via an internet navigator (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer) or any other preferred by the user. There is no need to install any additional programs to use our softwares.

Yes. All Webdutos' programs can be used on internet as well as on the internal network of the enterprise. That way, they work normally when there is no internet link.

All Webdutos’ modules chat with each other through the integrated database. The inserted information on a module go through internal consistencies once they are distributed and then integrate sectors such as Planning -> Engineering -> Production -> Quality.

No. The only necessary thing is a internet navigator.

There are no additional costs to incorporate new features requested. Our work philosophy recognizes the need to meet the specific needs of each enterprise in order to evolve our programs. Therefore, requests for improvements and new features are welcome!

We look forward to make that integration in order to avoid reworks and retyping data. There are various cases of succeeded integration with softwares such as Dutoline, Autocad, Citadon, Project, and others; but every case needs to be analysed to ensure the consistence of the information.

The users can open supporting calls by email at any time of the day and week. To call via cell phone or TEAMS, the support responds to the call on office hours, from Monday to Friday, since 9 AM until 6 PM.

The technology used demands a low performance hardware. Even older servers, over five years old, can be used normally or even transform a workstation that's more than three years old into a server for the application.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • contato@webdutos.com.br
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

Request a technical presentation without commitment