SIGEL was developed to control processes and products through verification lists (LV) or checklist. SIGEL allows quickly and effectively monitoring and registering complex processes, by professionals that are not specialized on the area.

SIGEL’s database has hundreds of technical LVs which are applied on various constructive activities with themes such as Quality, Safety and Environment, in conformity with legislation and normative requirements. A data collection is made in field and its frequency is determined by managers, whom receive consolidated reports showing problems and indicating the best treatment for every detected deviation.


Gráfico de colunas na cor amarela representando o Índice de Conformidade com Listas de Verificação - ICVL

ICLV - Verification Lists on Conformity Index

For every LV, a Verification Lists on Conformity Index is calculated, in relation to a goal aimed by the business.

Gráfico de pizza 3D nas cores azul e amarelo representando Planos de Ação


Action Plans created by SIGEL are easily monitored on charts.

Gráfico de barras horizontal na cor azul claro representando Pendências mais Frequentes

Frequent Problems

SIGEL detects the nonconformities repetitions that occur more often, ensuring the corrections efforts are better grasped.

Tela de Listas de verificação

Thousands of Items

Our database has thousands of verification items done in conformity with the better constructive practices.

Tela de Plano de Aplicação

Application Plan

SIGEL is implanted on every business according to the approved proceedures, following a Periodic Application Plan, which also schedules corrects LVs for every applicator on the pre-determined place. That way, the schedule LVs are not only applied but also monitored.


Easy Access

Accessible via an internet navigator, such as Internet Explorer®, Google Chrome or Firefox, without the need of installing any additional programs on the users’ workstations.

Simple and powerful methodology

SIGEL allows extremely complicated processes to be verified electronically.

Robust and elegant

SIGEL has been used on large constructions, such as refineries, with a large number of staff accessing its database simultaneously.


All the verified items can be accessed via an internet navigator. All the generated Action Plans are archived in a database and can be consulted at any moment in a simple and quick way.


SIGEL is used on every kind of business, from civil constructions, infrastructure, pipelines and industrial assembly. The Software’s Administrator can create its LVs accordingly to specific spots.


Yes. SIGEL has a Administrator module that allows creating specific checklists with guidelines for each business.

Yes. All Webdutos' programs can be used via internet as well as via the internal network of the enterprise. This way, they work normally even when there is no internet link.

SIGEL generates the LV to collect information in a controlled form of your enterprise. Later, after the application, it is still possible to generate the controlled form with the results on PDF for printing and signatures collection.

The LVs scheduling is made only on the start of the SIGEL operation. The Administrator reports the desired period for the programming to be made again to the software and SIGEL will do the scheduling work automatically.

SIGEL notifies by e-mail all the involved staff when it detects a nonconformity on an applied item answer (or question). Optionally, you can configure it to send notifications on your phone, via SMS, for example.

All Webdutos' modules are integrated. You can, for example, configure the nonconformities module (CONFORME) to automatically make a Corrective and Preventive Action Report in case there's a repetition of the same item three times on different documents.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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