RDOWEB turns field notes into monitoring indicators, bringing transparency and reliability of information and establishing an interactive communication channel and secure between builder, manager, and end client.

A plataforma traz transparência e confiabilidade às informações com base nos apontamentos de campo de cada obra. É possível controlar informações referentes à atividades, mão de obra, equipamentos, ocorrências, paralisações, clima e acidentes, com um fluxo de informações acoplado para emissão e controle dos RDOs.

The platform brings transparency and reliability to the information based on the field notes of each work. It is possible to control information regarding activities, labor, equipment, occurrences, downtime, weather, and accidents, with a coupled flow of information for issuing and controlling RDOs.


Página inicial do RDOWEB com gráficos e histogramas

Table of indicators

Real-time follow-up of the situation of each work, through graphs and histograms tailored to your needs.

Página de cadastro de ocorrências do RDOWEB

Communication through occurrences

Direct communication between site, manager, and end customer, through occurrences, replies, and rejoinders notified by email.

Página com gráfico de pluviometria do RDOWEB

Weather station

Integration with different weather stations, with storage of information such as rainfall, temperature, and wind direction.

Formulário PDF do Relatório diário de obras

PDF Forms

Different models of forms adaptable to the specific needs of each job.

Página com workflow de aprovação do RDOWEB

Approval Workflow

The platform has a standardized flow of information, ensuring control and traceability on the information entered in each RDO.

Celulares representando as telas do aplicativo do RDOWEB

Mobile application

RDOWEB is also available as a mobile application, for consulting RDOs and management.



Information collected in a standardized form and registered in the RDO in a manner adherent to the to the legislation.


Statements, graphs and indicators generated automatically from the field data made in RDO.


Establishes an online channel between the Job, the Fiscal and the Client, to anticipate problems and make assertive decisions.

Flexible License

Pay per work in use. You decide the investment value according to the profile of your of your company.

Adherence to standards

Adherence to standards such as CONFEA 1.094/17, ISO 9001:2015 and NBR 5671/1990.

Technical Support

Talk to us by phone, share screens, download manuals, and open calls by email free of charge.

Quick access

The platform does not require additional software. Use a simple Internet browser of your browser of your choice.


RDOWEB is also available for download on cell phones. It is available on Google Play.


Yes, the technology used in RDOWEB does not require the installation of additional software on user workstations. Updates are made only on the server, adopting centralized architecture to facilitate maintenance.
br>The platform works correctly in the main modern browsers currently available, such as Google Chrome Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox.

Yes, in addition to Portuguese, the software is also available in English and Spanish. On the login screen, select the language in which you wish to access the software.

In addition to establishing electronic communication between the parties, the RDOWEB imposes a well defined flow for journal approval. This prevents the editing of information at inappropriate improper times, ensures that the areas enter the minimum information necessary for compliance with Resolution 1.094/CONFEA and ensures that steps are met with simple but precise rules. simple but precise rules.

Whenever the status "Consolidated by site" or "Approved by client" is assigned to the journal, RDOWEB will trigger notification emails to all involved. A copy of this email is also deposited in a security directory of the Webdutos servers and serves as proof that a step in the approval flow has been completed.

Yes, you can set a deadline for the end customer to comment, reply and approve the RDOs. If the deadline is exceeded, the RDO will be approved by expiration of time, ending the approval flow.

Yes, RDOWEB has a linking mechanism between relevant facts, or occurrences, which allows the client's replies and comments between RDOs.

Yes. The software generates three form templates, in PDF and Excel, which can be configured to display information information as required. The forms are controlled and versioned in an ISO 9001 compliant manner.


  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • contato@webdutos.com.br
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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