Consists of the installation of platform and the necessary libraries for accessing on the computer.
So, your business will have its server correctly configured, maximizing its service life and reducing the
need of repairing.
Our job philosophy recognizes as necessary attending all the specific necessities of each enterprise to evolve
our programs. This way, improvement requests and new functionalities are welcome!
Each one of the Webdutos platform software works in a modular way, functioning integrated or separate and are
operated through a simple web browser, reducing costs for the enterprise for the enterprise IT.
The licensing model adopted by Webdutos is without user limits. For each work created, an administrator user is
an administrator user is generated, who will be the multiplier for the following users. The value of the license refers
to the cost of the platform and of one work.
Webdutos provides continuous support for the developed softwares and attends since requests to adjust the source code
to live training. We keep technical support channels via telephone, email and communicators as Microsoft Teams.
At the end of each contract / work closing, Webdutos issues the databook containing all the information produced
during the normal use of the project, in platform-independent file format i.e., PDF and MS-Excel spreadsheets.
We use state-of-the-art infrastructure (Amazon AWS) geolocated in Brazil to minimize latency. This allows
for high availability and elastic capacity and automatic backups for files, application and database.